CR60 - Documents

Documents Scroll down/right to view the entire table

File Type Format Date
Installation manual Maintenance Fire DampersInstallation manual KITpdf [550.73 kB]26/02/2024
Specification texts fire dampers (general)Specification textsdoc [47.00 kB]01/06/2016
Installation manual CR60Installation manualpdf [19,785.54 kB]17/03/2025
Hygiene certificate CR60 & CR120Hygiene certificatepdf [165.30 kB]17/10/2023
CLA_CR60_DOP_C9Declaration of performancepdf [611.48 kB]21/02/2025
CLA_CR60_07-A-057Classification reportpdf [2,102.08 kB]21/09/2021
CLA_CR60_16126Classification reportpdf [2,787.79 kB]21/09/2022
Brochure fire dampersMarketingpdf [1,428.24 kB]04/03/2019
Leaflet minimal distancesMarketingpdf [133.27 kB]19/02/2019
Selection software Rf-SelectTechnical datazip [69,614.96 kB]20/09/2019
Video sealing fire dampers BastaVideowmv [26,773.87 kB]30/04/2013
Fusible link replacement MFUSVideomp4 [123,683.76 kB]19/12/2023
Fusible link replacement BELIMOVideomp4 [101,777.03 kB]18/12/2023
Mechanism replacement MFUS > MFUSVideomp4 [192,262.92 kB]05/01/2024
Mechanism replacement MFUS > BELIMOVideomp4 [237,398.01 kB]05/01/2024
Mechanism replacement BELIMO > BELIMOVideomp4 [208,332.68 kB]05/01/2024