Glossary of European classification terms

Fire Resistance: The fire resistance of a product is measured in time (minutes, shortened to 60’= 60 minutes). Due to the broad definition the term fire performance criteria is used. 

Within the European test and fire classification system for fire dampers, fire grilles and other fire resistant sealings, the main criteria are:

R (load bearing capacity), also stability: the element to be tested cannot collapse under load during or after the test. The deformation of the element moreover, cannot be too big in the context of the supporting function: e.g. for floors the deformation cannot be bigger than 1/30th of the overtension.

E (integrity): Integrity corresponds with the time that no flames are spread to the non-exposed side of the wall (for partitions).
In a construction element, no openings are allowed like cracks, splits, loosening joints,…through which a fairly large throughput of smoke gases could get through and cause fire.

I (insulation): The criterion thermal insulation limits the allowed temperature rise on the side of the element to be tested which is turned away from the oven.

W (Radiation): Limitation of the incoming radiation intensity ((≤ 15kW/m²)

S (Smoke leakage): During the fire test the smoke leakage is measured alongside the passage. The leakage has to be limited because the otherwise escaping smoke gases could give rise to the propagation of fire.

Indication (i o), (o  i) or (i  o)
The fire classification of fire resistant passages is completed with an indication ‘(io)’, ‘(oi)’ or ‘(io)’ indicating whether the tested element meets the criteria from the inside (i=inside) to the outside (o=outside) or the other way around or both by which it doesn’t matter from which side the fire comes.

ve or ho notification
Additional notification, referring to the placement of fire resistant passages:

  • For fire dampers and grilles: ve: placed straight into the wall; ho: placed straight into a floor/ceiling
  • For fire damper cartridges and fire resistant collars the notification refers to the duct/pipe in which the damper is placed. ve: straight into the wall; ho: straight into a floor/ceiling