Fire Safety

Can I connect an Rf-t fire damper to flexible ducts and when is it recommended?

Rf-t fire dampers are tested in accordance with the European test standard EN 1366-2. This standard prescribes the test program and conditions in order to determine the fire resistance performance of a fire damper for a given lapse of time (30, 60, 90, 120’, …) at a specific negative pressure level (300, 500, 1500 Pa). 
The same goes for every component of a HVAC-system. The aim of this approach is to verify and guarantee the performance of each component in the system according to relevant parameters. These parameters vary for each component: ducts for example are tested in accordance with EN 1366-1. 

The interaction between the different components is not included and specified in the European standards. This is governed by local best practices or guidelines. Installing a flexible duct section between a damper and a duct is one such element of interaction which is not included in the test setup for a fire damper. It might reveal useful for dampers installed in flexible walls that tend to deflect in the event of fire. A damper installed in a concrete wall with mortar sealing on the contrary doesn’t require such flexible duct sections since the wall is unlikely to deform in the event of fire. 

Fire damper manufacturers are free to test their dampers with flexible duct sections. Should a manufacturer opt for flexible duct sections during the test, then the tested damper must always be installed with flexible duct sections, even if this is not necessary for a given configuration. Otherwise the installation is not in conformity with the classifications and Declaration of Performance

If a fire damper has been tested without flexible duct sections on the contrary, the design engineer or the installation contractor is free to prescribe or connect flexible duct sections for specific situations where it is deemed safer (namely metal stud walls). This is the case for Rf-t fire dampers.

What is EI60S?

  • Fire resistance: the fire resistance of a product is measured in time (minutes, shortened to 60’= 60 minutes). Due to the broad definition the term fire performance criteria is used. 
  • E stands for 'integrity'. Integrity corresponds with the time that no flames are spread to the non-exposed side of the wall (for partitions). 
  • In a construction element, no openings are allowed like cracks, splits, loosening joints,…through which a fairly large throughput of smoke gases could get through and cause fire. 
  • I stands for insulation or thermal insulation. The criterion thermal insulation limits the allowed temperature rise on the side which is turned away from the oven of the element to be tested. 
  • S stands for smoke leakage. During the fire test the smoke leakage is measured alongside the passage. The leakage has to be limited because the otherwise escaping smoke gases could give rise to the propagation of fire. 

What is the difference between a classification report and a test report?

Test report of fire resistant products are fairly specialised and elaborate. This makes it not evident for the non-specialitsts to read them with a critical and competent eye. Therefore Europe has worked out a uniform structure: the classification report.

The classification report informs on the quality of the fire resistant passage through a wall. The laboratories also mutually agreed to draw up the report of fire resistance testing uniformally. Moreover, the classification report is only drawn up when the tests have been successful. This in contrast with the test reports. They are only a factual report of the performed tests, without showing conclusions about the result.

In short, the classification report is a much more legible document than the test reports which often include more than 50 pages. Rf-Technologies aims at European classification documents for all its products.

CE Marking

What is CE marking and where does it find its origin?

CE marking is a "passport" enabling a product to be placed on the market in any Member State. CE marking does not indicate that a product was made in the EEA, but merely states that the product is assessed before being placed on the market and thus meets the EU legislative requirements.
Only those product categories subject to specific directives that provide for the CE marking are required to be CE marked. For construction products, the Construction Product Directive (CPD) and the more recent Construction Products Regulation (CPR) set the foundation for CE marking and ensure that reliable information can be found on construction products in relation to their performances.

The latter is achieved by providing a “common technical language", offering uniform assessment methods of the performance of construction products. Throughout the years, these methods have been compiled in harmonised European standards (hEN) and European Assessment Documents (EAD). This common technical language is to be applied by

- the manufacturers when declaring the performance of their products,
- the authorities of Member States when specifying requirements for them,
- their users (architects, engineers, constructors…) when choosing the products most suitable for their intended use in construction works.

In which countries is the CE marking required?

The CE marking is mandatory for certain product groups in the European Economic Area (EEA), consisting of the Member States of the EU and EFTA countries Iceland, Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Is a product that carries the CE marking always produced in the EU?

No. The CE marking only signals that all essential requirements have been fulfilled when the product was manufactured. The CE marking is not a mark of origin, as it does not indicate that the product was manufactured in the European Union. Consequently, a product affixed with the CE marking may have been produced anywhere in the world.

Is CE marking mandatory, and if so, for which products?

Yes, CE marking is mandatory for the products that are covered by the scope of one or more of the “New Approach Directives”. Construction products fall under one such New Approach Directive, the Council Directive 89/106/EEC, which provides for CE marking.

CE marking will become mandatory for fire dampers as from 01/09/2012 and for smoke control dampers as from 01/02/2013 for instance.

What is the difference between the CE marking and other markings, and can other markings be affixed on the product if there is a CE marking?

The CE marking is the only marking that indicates conformity to all the essential requirements of the Directives that provide for its affixing.

 A product may bear additional markings provided that they do not have the same significance as the CE marking, that they are not liable to cause confusion with the CE marking and that they do not impair the legibility and visibility of the CE marking.

In this respect, other markings may be used only if they contribute to the improvement of consumer protection and are not covered by harmonisation legislation of the European Union.

Are all CE marked construction products tested and approved by authorities?

Only products which are regarded as presenting a risk to the public interest require conformity assessment by a third party, i.e. a notified body.

What is the Construction Products Directive (CPD) and how does it relate to CE marking?

The CPD aims to break down technical barriers to trade in construction products between Member States in the European Economic Area (EEA). To achieve this the CPD provides for the following four main elements:

• a system of harmonised technical specifications (hEN)
• an agreed system of attestation of conformity for each product family
• a framework of notified bodies
• the CE marking of products.

The Directive does not aim to harmonise regulations: Member States and public and private sector procurers are free to set their own requirements on the performance of works and therefore products. What the CPD harmonises are the methods of test, the methods of declaration of product performance values, and the method of conformity assessment. Choice of required values for the chosen intended use(s) is left to the regulators in each Member State.

What is an ETA and how does it fit in the CE marking process?

The preferred route under the CPD is for harmonised standards to be written wherever possible. But if standards cannot be produced or foreseen within a reasonable period of time, or if a product deviates substantially from a standard, then a European Technical Approval (ETA) may be written by the European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA).

ETAs may be written according to Guidelines (i.e. ETAGs) if several manufacturers of a particular product in several countries express an interest. If few manufacturers in only one or two countries express an interest, then ETAs may be issued without guidelines.

ETAs have a validity period of 5 years.

Who supervises the correct use of the CE marking?

In order to guarantee the impartiality of market surveillance operations, the supervision of the CE marking is the responsibility of public authorities in the Member States in cooperation with the European Commission.

What are the sanctions for counterfeiting the CE marking?

The procedures, measures and sanctions that apply to counterfeiting of the CE marking vary according to the respective Member State's national administrative and penal law. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, economic operators may be liable to a fine and, in some circumstances, imprisonment. However, if the product is not regarded as an imminent safety risk, the manufacturer may be given a second opportunity to ensure that the product is in conformity with the applicable legislation before being obliged to take the product off the market.

What should be undertaken when the CE marking is misused?

CE marking may sometimes be affixed to products that do not fulfil the requirements and conditions for its affixing or it is affixed to products for which the affixing is not foreseen.

There are mechanisms in place to ensure that the CE marking is put on products correctly. Controlling CE marked products is the responsibility of public authorities in Member States, in cooperation with the European Commission. Citizens may contact national market surveillance authorities if the misuse of the CE marking is suspected or if a product's safety is questioned.

The procedures, measures and sanctions applying to counterfeiting of the CE marking are laid down in the relevant national legislation of the Member States. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, economic operators may be liable to a fine and in some circumstances, imprisonment.

What implications may the affixing of the CE marking have for the manufacturer/importer/distributor?

Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring product compliance and affixing the CE marking; however, importers and distributors also play an important role in making sure that only products complying with legislation and bearing the CE marking are placed on the market. Not only does this help to reinforce the EU’s health, safety and environmental protection requirements, it also supports fair competition with all players being held accountable to the same rules.

- When goods are produced in third countries and the manufacturer is not represented in the EEA, importers must make sure that the products placed by them on the market comply with the applicable requirements and do not present a risk to the European public. The importer must verify that the manufacturer outside the EU has undertaken the necessary steps and that the documentation is available upon request.

Thus, importers must have an overall knowledge of the respective directives and are obliged to support national authorities should problems arise. Importers should have a written assurance from the manufacturer that they will have access to the necessary documentation – such as the Declaration of Conformity and the technical documentation – and be able to provide it to national authorities, if requested. Importers should also make sure that contact with the manufacturer can always be established.

- Further along in the supply chain, distributors play an important role in ensuring that only compliant products are on the market and must act with due care to ensure that their handling of the product does not adversely affect its compliance. The distributor must also have a basic knowledge of the legal requirements – including which products must bear the CE marking and the accompanying documentation – and should be able to identify products that are clearly not in compliance. Distributors must be able to demonstrate to national authorities that they have acted with due care and have affirmation from the manufacturer or the importer that the necessary measures have been taken. Furthermore, a distributor must be able to assist the national authority in its efforts to receive the required documentation.

If importers or distributors market the products under their own name, they then take over the manufacturer’s responsibilities. In this case, they must have sufficient information on the design and production of the product, as they will be assuming the legal responsibility when affixing the CE marking.

What is a declaration of conformity and where can I obtain a copy?

Once a manufacturer has had all the appropriate attestation tasks carried out for his product he is required to complete a "Declaration of conformity" which is kept with his technical file concerning the product. For fire dampers, this declaration is supported by a certificate of product conformity delivered by the notified certification body.

Whilst the CE marking is applied on the product, the declaration of conformity and the certificate of conformity must only be made available by the manufacturer in response to a substantiated request (e.g. national authorities responsible for market surveillance).

Also see further reference to the future Declaration of Performance under the new European regulation 305/2011.

Is the CE marking a quality mark?

The CE marking is not a quality mark. It simply shows that the product addresses the regulatory requirements. Hence, quality marks are allowed to appear alongside the CE marking, provided their purpose cannot be confused.

Fire dampers: When is CE marking compulsory for fire dampers?

Following the availability of the product standard for fire dampers EN 15650:2010, the Commission has published its reference in the "C" series of the Official Journal of the European Union in August 2011.

Manufacturers across Europe may begin to apply CE marking to fire dampers as from 1 September 2011. After this date a period of coexistence has begun, during which manufacturers are free to use the new hENs and apply CE marking, or continue to use the old national standards without CE marking.

After the period of coexistence, on September 1st 2012, conflicting national standards must be withdrawn. For CE marking to be applied after the co-existence period, production must comply with the harmonised technical specification.

Fire dampers: What is the system of attestation of conformity for fire dampers?

The attestation system defines the degree of involvement of third parties in assessing the conformity of the product according to the relevant technical specification.

For each product family the attestation system has been decided collectively by the Member States and the Commission on the basis of the implications for health and safety of the product, and on the particular nature and production process for the product itself.

There are six different systems of attestation under the CPD. Fire dampers fall under System 1, product conformity certification without audit testing, whereby:

- the manufacturer shall carry out:
- factory production control;
- further testing of samples taken at the factory by the manufacturer in accordance with the prescribed test plan;
- the notified product certification body shall issue the certificate of conformity of the product on the basis of:
- determination of the product type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product;
- initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control;
- continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.

Fire dampers: How does the CE marking appear on the product?

Affixing the CE marking is the responsibility of the manufacturer or his agent or authorised representative established within the EEA. The way in which CE marking should be approached for a specific product is set out in the technical specifications.

The CE marking for fire dampers shall be placed on the CE marking label, which is applied on the product itself. The CE marking symbol shall also be shown on a specific document accompanying the product, with additional information on all regulated characteristics.

One of the most important aspects of the CE marking is that it includes technical information in the form of declared values. Where minimum or maximum values have been set in the standards themselves, these are not repeated in the CE marking. Similarly, classes of performance may be declared with the CE marking, with the key to the classes appearing in the standard.

Hence the CE marking is in effect a harmonised technical data sheet. Together with the standard, it gives all the information needed by specifiers and regulators to judge whether the product is suitable for a particular intended use in the country in which it is sold, according to the regulations which apply there.

Also see further reference to the future Declaration of Performance under the new European regulation 305/2011.

What is the impact of the EU Regulation No 305/2011 for construction products?

The Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU - CPR) which repeals the Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC – CPD), was adopted on 9 March 2011. It intends to bring about:

- Clarification of the basic concepts and of the use of CE marking for construction products;
- Simplification of the procedures, so as to reduce the costs incurred by enterprises, in particular SMEs;
- Increased credibility for the whole system. 

Unlike a Directive, a Regulation applies directly in local law. One of the main impacts of the new Regulation will be to make CE marking mandatory at the point of marketing for construction product manufacturers in 4 Member States – UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland. This will bring these Member States into line with the rest of the EU, where CE marking is already required.

The CPR introduces new terms such as Declaration of Performance (replacing the declaration of conformity), certificate of constancy of performance (replacing the certificate of conformity),…

What is a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and how does it differ from a Declaration of Conformity (DoC)?

The Declaration of Performance (DoP) is the key concept in the recent Construction Products Regulation (CPR) 305/2011. The DoP gives the manufacturer the opportunity to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of his product he wants to deliver to the market.

The manufacturer shall draw up a Declaration of Performance when a product covered by a harmonised standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) is placed on the market. By drawing up this DoP, the manufacturer assumes the responsibility for the conformity of the construction product with the declared performance.

On the basis of the information contained in the DoP, the user will decide to buy, amongst all the products available on the market, the one which is fit for the use he intends to give to such product and he assumes the full responsibility of such decision.

The DoP constitutes then the key element in the functioning of the Internal Market for construction products by providing it with the necessary transparency and by establishing a clear system of allocation of the responsibilities between actors.

The minimum amount of information that the manufacturer is obliged to provide is innovative compared with the current situation under the Construction Products Directive (CPD): the manufacturer has to declare - the intended use(s) of the product and - at least one of the relevant essential characteristics for each of the declared intended use(s).

The DoP differs from the current DoC in that it clearly expresses the product performance in relation to the essential characteristics defined in the relevant hEN.

The CE marking follows the DoP and means that the manufacturer has strictly followed all the applicable procedures for drawing up his DoP and, consequently, the DoP is accurate and reliable.

A copy of the declaration of performance of the product shall be supplied either in paper form or by electronic means, in the language(s) required by the Member State where the product is made available. The copy of the declaration of performance may be made available on a web site, although conditions for this are still not defined at the time this document is drafted. A paper copy of the declaration of performance shall still be supplied if the recipient requests it.


Does Rf-Technologies manufacture fire resistant grilles for outdoors applications?

No: the composition of our fire resistant grilles makes them exclusively suitable for use indoors. 

Is an app available to help me select an Rf-t product based on technical specifications (aeraulic and acoustic properties)?

The Rf-Select software enables such a selection for fire dampers and fire damper cartridges as well as for the fire resistant grilles. The software can be downloaded on our website.

Does Rf-Technologies market dampers for special environments?

Rf-Technologies has various dampers, which can be applied in areas with special requirements:

  • an anti-corrosive paint layer for areas with corrosive fumes, acids or humidity (for example swimming pools);
  • explosion proof operating motors (ATEX certified) can be used on the CU2 fire damper for areas with high explosion risks
  • the CU2-15 damper for areas with high ambient pressures up to 1500 Pa. 

Does Rf-Technologies also dispose of circular fire dampers with diameter larger than 630mm?

The largest dimension available for our circular fire dampers is 630 mm. For connection to a larger diameter, you can use a CU2L damper (CU2 with an elongated tunnel) with a circular connection (PR).

How can I reopen a fire damper with servomotor?

The detailed information is available on our website for the product of your choice under the menu ‘mechanism’.

What is the recommended maintenance for a fire damper?

All our fire dampers are basically maintenance free. However, we suggest you to check the proper functioning of the damper twice a year.

How many operating mechanics does a battery assembly have?

A battery assembly is a composition of multiple fire dampers with a maximum of 4 individual dampers. A battery assembly is the solution for large installations if the existing fire dampers are not big enough. Every individual damper has its mechanism. All mechanisms of a battery assembly are of the same kind.  

I have a fire damper mechanism triggered by a thermal fuse. Can I replace the mechanism with a motorized mechanism?

Yes, such an upgrade is possible using one of our kits. The detailed information is available on our website for the product of your choice under the menu ‘mechanism’.

I have to deliver an HVAC system with air-tightness class ATC 3 (formerly C) or D. Is there any Rf-t fire damper that guarantees that class?

Yes, Rf-t fire dampers are available in air-tightness class ATC 3 (formerly C) according to EN1751, which corresponds to the classes C and D for the ducts. Particular attention should also be paid to the air-tight assembly of the damper with the duct.

Can a fire resistant collar be applied to make a circular ventilation duct fire resistant?

No: fire resistant collars are tested according to the EN1366-3 test standard. That standard explicitly excludes ventilation applications.

Can a fusible link on a fire damper be replaced?

Yes, the fusible link can be replaced easily, without having to dismantle the duct. The detailed information is available on our website for the product of your choice under the menu ‘mechanism’. 

Can a fire damper be installed with the blade axis not in the horizontal position?

The fire damper may only be installed with the blade axis not horizontal if it has been tested according to EN1366-2 with the axis both vertical and horizontal. Most Rf-Technologies' fire dampers can be placed with the blade axis horizontal as well as vertical. Please consult the installation guidelines.

Can a grill be installed with the slats oriented at 90°?

No. The slats with the intumescent material are always positioned horizontally. No test report is available for installations with the lamellas positioned vertically.

Is it allowed to seal off the opening around a fire damper with fire resistant rigid rock wool board?

This type of sealing is allowed if the fire damper has been tested with it and has received a classification report. Rf-Technologies offers 5 fire dampers that can be sealed with such boards. Please follow the installation instructions carefully.

Can I use 1 single MG2-A to reach the required fire resistance?

This type of installation is approved by the test and classification documents for a horizontal application in a floor. A single MG2-A collar, wall-mounted below the floor, is enough to achieve the desired fire resistance.

Can I connect a Rf-t fire damper to flexible ducts and when is it recommended?

Rf-t fire dampers are tested in accordance with the European test standard EN 1366-2. This standard prescribes the test program and conditions in order to determine the fire resistance performance of a fire damper for a given lapse of time (30, 60, 90, 120’, …) at a specific negative pressure level (300, 500, 1500 Pa).
The same goes for every component of a HVAC-system. The aim of this approach is to verify and guarantee the performance of each component in the system according to relevant parameters. These parameters vary for each component: ducts for example are tested in accordance with EN 1366-1.
The interaction between the different components is not included and specified in the European standards. This is governed by local best practices or guidelines. Installing a flexible duct section between a damper and a duct is one such element of interaction which is not included in the test setup for a fire damper. It might reveal useful for dampers installed in flexible walls that tend to deflect in the event of fire. A damper installed in a concrete wall with mortar sealing on the contrary doesn’t require such flexible duct sections since the wall is unlikely to deform in the event of fire.
Fire damper manufacturers are free to test their dampers with flexible duct sections. Should a manufacturer opt for flexible duct sections during the test, then the tested damper must always be installed with flexible duct sections, even if this is not necessary for a given configuration. Otherwise the installation is not in conformity with the classifications and Declaration of Performance.
If a fire damper has been tested without flexible duct sections on the contrary, the design engineer or the installation contractor is free to prescribe or connect flexible duct sections for specific situations where it is deemed safer (namely metal stud walls). This is the case for Rf-t fire dampers.

Do I have to replace the fuse of an actuator if the damper has been closed as a result of a temperature higher than 72° in the ventilation duct?

If the temperature in the air duct exceeds 72°C, the (thermo-electric) fuse interrupts the supply voltage and the blade closes. The fuse needs to be replaced, but the motor itself will continue to function normally. The fuse can be easily replaced with a kit. 

Do fire dampers need to be replaced after a fire?

Yes. The intumescent parts of the fire damper cannot be brought back to their original state, therefore a fire damper must be replaced after a fire.

Rf-t refers to the flexible wall types “GKB” and “GKF”. What do these abbreviations mean?

These two abbreviations describe the type of plasterboard that can be applied as siding materials on the metal studs of a light wall. "GKB" indicates standard plasterboards (type A according to EN 520); "GKF" boards offer superior fire resistance for the same thickness (F type according to EN 520). 

Is BAP fire resistant foam sufficient for fire resistant sealing?

The fire resistant foam BAP can be used to seal off expansion joints in conformity with the installation specifications. However, no test report is available for the sealing of fire dampers or fire resistant collars

Where can I find the electric installation diagrams for the servomotors?

The detailed information is available on our website for the product of your choice under the menu ‘mechanism’. You can also find the electric installation diagrams in the installation guidelines delivered with the product. 

Where can I find the dimensions of the wall-opening to install the Rf-t products?

You can find these dimensions for each product and each wall-type in the product brochures and on our website for the product of your choice under the menu ‘installation’.

What is the ideal air velocity in a fire damper?

The ideal velocity in a fire damper is 4 to 5 m/s. The higher the velocity, the higher the pressure drop and the stronger the noise (produced by the presence of the blade in the casing).

What is a battery assembly of fire dampers? Can any fire damper be installed in a battery assembly?

A battery is an assembly of several fire dampers. Such a configuration is only allowed if it has been tested that way according to standard EN 1366-2.
A battery assembly can be connected to a ventilation duct that is larger than the largest individual fire dampers.

What is a SC0?

The SC0 is a flame protection product, which meets the European E and S criteria but not the I criterion (thermal insulation). It prevents the dispersion of flames and smoke during at least 120 minutes.

Are intermediate sizes possible and where can I find prices for this?

Intermediate sizes of our products are available on request and on an additional cost. You can find the prices for these intermediate sizes on the introductory pages of our catalogue

Are there instructions for the maintenance of Rf-t fire dampers?

The basic instructions for the maintenance of our fire dampers have been summarised in this document.

How does an operating mechanism with simple fusible link work?

This kind of operating mechanism automatically unlatches the blade of the fire damper if the temperature in the duct exceeds a certain level (by default 72°C).

Due to the temperature rise the lead melts down and the fusible link opens. The internal torsion spring loosens and the blade closes. 

The correct functioning of the fire damper with fusible link can periodically be tested by manually unlocking and rearming it. By installing an end of range switch on the mechanism, the position (open or closed) of the fire damper can be monitored remotely. 

Once the fusible link has melted down, it needs to be replaced.

How does an remote controlled operating mechanism work?

This kind of operating mechanism unlocks the blade of the damper either remotely by a current impulse or a current interruption to a magnet, or automatically by the melting down of a thermic fusible link when a temperature of 72°C is reached in the duct. When triggered, the mechanism closes the blade.

With an end or begin or range switch the position of the blade can be verified.

The re-arming of the damper is done manually or through the (optional) resetting motor.

How does a motorised operating mechanism work?

Once it is connected to the power supply, this kind of actuator brings the blade into its open position (stand-by).
When the power is interrupted, the internal torsion spring closes the blade (safety position).

A motorised operating mechanism can be equipped with a thermo-electric fuse interrupting the power supply when the temperature in the air duct exceeds 72°C. 

Fire dampers installed at minimal distances

On which Rf-t fire dampers are the minimal distances applicable?

Certified installation at minimal distances can be applied to the installation of following fire dampers: CR60, CR60-1S, CR120, CR2, CU-LT and CU2.

What are the minimal distances for the circular Rf-t fire dampers?

The minimal distance between two circular Rf-t fire dampers or between a circular fire damper and a construction element is 30 mm.

What are the minimal distances for the rectangular Rf-t fire dampers?

The minimal distance between two rectangular Rf-t fire dampers is 50 mm. The minimal distance between a rectangular damper and the ceiling is 25 mm. The minimal distance between a rectangular damper and other construction elements (such as a wall) is 50 mm.

Can minimal distances be applied to fire dampers installed remote from the wall?

Yes. The CR60, CR120 and CU-LT have been certified for installation remote from the wall in combination with an installation at minimal distances. The minimal distances between the dampers (30 or 50 mm) or between the dampers and the ceiling (30 or 25 mm) apply on dampers installed remote of the compartment wall.

Can minimal distances be applied to dampers installed in a single opening sealed with hard stone wool boards?

Yes. The total opening in the wall to be sealed with hard stone wool boards is subject to two restrictions: the maximum size of the opening should be equal to or lower than the damper sizes + 600 mm AND equal to or lower than the maximum allowed blank seal (m²) as defined by the stone wool board manufacturer (for ex. Promat WxH ≤ 3,75 m², Hilti EI90S ≤ 3,20 m², Hilti EI120S ≤ 1,44 m²).

When sealing the opening with panels of fire resistant stone wool, the maximum number of dampers also subject to the maximum surface or “blank seal” allowed for the selected sealing material. What is the "blank seal"?

The blank seal is the maximum aperture that can be sealed using stone wool boards from that manufacturer. The size of the blank seal is brand specific (for ex. Promat WxH ≤ 3,75 m², Hilti EI90S ≤ 3,20 m², Hilti EI120S ≤ 1,44 m²). Please refer to the manufacturer for more information.

What about accessibility to the mechanism / thermal tripping device?

The mechanism and the thermal tripping device on the damper should remain accessible after installation. We recommend keeping at least 200 mm free space to the mechanism.

Is there a limitation of the number of (circular/rectangular) dampers installed close to each other?

Yes. For rectangular dampers the minimal distances apply for maximum two dampers vertically OR two dampers horizontally OR a cluster of 2 by 2 dampers (maximum of 4 dampers). For circular dampers the minimal distances apply for up to 3 dampers horizontally OR vertically, with up to one more damper resp. underneath or next to it (maximum 3 + 1 or 4 dampers).

When measuring the minimal distances, from where should we start to measure (tunnel, flange, actuator...)?

The minimal distances are measured from the outside of the damper casing. The flanges can be closer to each other. The mechanism should remain accessible.

What’s the universal sealing for minimal distances?

This is a generic sealing material made of stone wool boards of at least 150 kg/m³. Pre-coated boards can be used as well.

What is "sealing compliant with the existing classifications"?

Each Rf-t fire damper has been certified with several different types of sealing solutions. These are mentioned in the Declaration of Performance (DoP). All sealing solutions mentioned in the DoP can be used to seal the remainder of the opening around the fire dampers.

How many layers of universal sealing for minimal distances are required when the wall/floor is thicker than 100 mm?

The universal sealing for minimal distances should be applied to a thickness of at least 400 mm. This includes the thickness of the construction element.

Are the minimal distances applicable for the installation of fire dampers in a slab?

Yes. The certified dampers can be installed in a floor/ceiling slab at a minimal distance of each other or of an adjacent vertical wall.

Where can I find the installation guidelines for fire dampers at a minimal distance?

These installation instructions are available on our website (under the 'installation' menu for each fire damper) and in the product brochure.

Do you need to compress the standard stone wool when installing the fire damper close to the ceiling?

For rectangular dampers (CU-LT, CU2) the sealing between the damper and the slab can be done using stone wool boards (≥ 150 kg/m³) OR, if the space is equal to or less than 50 mm, using soft stone wool (≥ 40 kg/m³) compressed by at least 40%.

Can the minimal distances be applied to CR60-1S dampers?

Yes, minimal distances apply to the CR60-1S as well. The integrity of the collar must be respected. The universal sealing for minimal distances is not required when using the CR60-1s.

Do I need an IFW-kit when installing the CU-LT at minimal distances in a light wall (metal studs)?

No. To install a CU-LT fire damper at minimal distances in a light partition wall, the remaining opening around the CU-LT (without IFW kit) should be sealed with gypsum.

ONE actuator

What do 'FDCU' and 'FDCB' stand for?

‘FDCU*’ refers to a single set of beginning and end of range switches. These are usually connected to a relay or a (fire) management system. They reflect the position of the damper blade.
‘FDCB**’ refers to a double set of beginning and end of range switches. This solution is useful for example to directly control the fan and to communicate the damper blade position to a (fire) management system.

* FDCU is short for “Fin et Début de Course Unipolaire”
** FDCB is short for “Fin et Début de Course Bipolaire”

I ordered a ONE-T FDCU, but I actually need two sets of contacts. May I order a kit to upgrade the actuator?

No. In order to guarantee the high IP54 protection degree, the housing of the ONE actuator may not be opened by third parties. The actuator must be replaced by a variant with an integrated double set of contacts.

One of the cables is damaged. Can I replace it?

No, this is not possible. The entire actuator should be replaced in order to ensure its safe operation.
The guarantee offered by Rf-t is not applicable to a damaged actuator.

During a manual resetting, is the battery kept in place by the rubber cover?

Sometimes, but this is not the purpose of this cover. The battery must be pressed down on the contacts and, in most cases, maintained in place manually.

Do I have to take the polarity of the battery into account when I insert it in the actuator?

No, the battery can be inserted in the connection compartment without regards for its polarity. Electronics on the board overcomes the issue of polarity for your convenience.

Does the fire damper already work in case of a fire, if it is not yet connected to the power supply?

Yes. To ensure this additional security, Rf-t chose to use a mechanical fusible link instead of a thermo-electric tripping device.
Note: this does not apply to a fire outside the duct. The additional thermal fuse in the housing of the ONE, which detects a fire outside the duct, works electronically.

Is a 9V battery delivered with the actuator?

No. These batteries are readily available in retail and specialty shops.

Can I replace the fusible link without tools?

Yes, the fusible link is held in place by a clip. By pressing it with a finger, the fusible link is released and can be removed and replaced.

The fire damper is connected to the power supply. I tested the fire damper manually (by pressing the test button), but it will not open when the management system tries to bring it to the open position. Is this normal?

Yes. After a manual test, the actuator must be activated again. To do this, you should hold a 9V-battery briefly against the contacts in the battery compartment. Thereafter, the permanent power takes over and brings the blade further to its stand-by position (open).

When I reset the damper manually, I hear a ticking sound after some time. Is this normal?

Yes. After the damper blade had rotated approximately 30°, a pawl runs over a gear wheel. This pawl holds the blade in its position if the power would be interrupted during the resetting. If the battery is removed before the position of 30° has been reached, the damper blade will close completely again.

Is a battery always necessary?

No, only for a manual testing if the damper is not powered, or when the damper was closed manually.
(In this case, make a brief contact with the battery. After that, the power supply takes over).

May I use the opening of the fusible link to perform a visual inspection of the damper blade?

The fusible link can indeed be easily (temporarily) removed, which makes it possible to inspect the inside of the damper with an endoscope (INSPECAM).

Do I have access to the data stored in the microprocessor?

No, this information is intended for evaluation and problem analysis by the after-sales team of Rf-Technologies in case of a failure.

The LED gives several indications by various on / off intervals. What do they mean?

  • During a manual resetting:
    If the LED (3) flickers fast (3x/sec), the battery is discharged: use a new battery. If the LED (3) flickers slowly (1x/sec), the resetting is in progress. If the actuator detects voltage on the power cable, a brief contact of the battery is enough to start the resetting process.
  • If the LED (3) is continuously on, the resetting is complete and the motor is powered
  • The housing of the mechanism contains a temperature sensor. When the temperature in the housing exceeds 72°C, the mechanism unlocks. The LED flashes twice per second. When the temperature drops below 72°C, the mechanism can only be reset in a motorised manner after a manual reset (with a battery).


Does Rf-t take care of technical interventions in case of malfunction?

If, despite numerous internal quality controls, it turned out that one of our products shows a quality problem, an intervention from Rf-t is possible. The terms of such an intervention are defined case by case.

I urgently need a limited number of fire dampers for a project: how fast can they be available?

“Express” orders that are entered by 11 am are available for pick up (ex works) within:

- 24h for CR2, CR60, CR120 fire dampers
- 48h for CU2, CU-LT, CU-LT-1s fire dampers

Price : +10% on the total order price.

Can I cancel an order?

Order cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee. We invite you to browse our catalogue for the complete cancellation policy.

Does Rf-Technologies take back delivered goods?

Our conditions for returns change as per 01/01/2025. Please contact our customer service by mail (info@rft.eu) or by phone (+32 93 62 31 71) for further information.

Where can I order Rf-t products?

Rf-t products are distributed in several European countries through a network of partners. Contact us by e-mail (info@rft.be) to receive a list of our distributors in your country.

Where can I find a price list of Rf-t products?

The Rf-t catalogue contains gross prices of our products. It is available in PDF format under the menu 'documents' for each product on this website. A price list in Excel format is also available among the documents.

Which warranty is granted on Rf-t products?

Warranty against hidden manufacturing defects is one (1) year beginning as of the delivery date (ex works).

This warranty is limited to the replacement or repair, free of charge, by our services, of goods we acknowledge to be defective.

Our terms and conditions are available in the catalogue and on our website.

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